


Donations are crucial for ongoing research of medical solutions and efficacy testing of new products. Donor samples are an essential step for assay validation, a key component in the development process of novel treatments. We partner with site’s that understand the true value of donor contribution.

  • Be a part of the solution
  • Get compensation for your time
  • Play a vital role in improving disease testing

We're Here to Answer Your Questions

What are biospecimen samples?

Biospecimen samples are human biological materials such as blood, hair, saliva, urine, skin, adipose tissue, solid tumor tissue, bone marrow, nasal aspirate, nasal swabs, nasal wash, semen, sputum, synovial fluid, and cerebrospinal fluid.

Who can donate to medical research?

Individuals of all backgrounds, cultures, ages, and varying conditions are encouraged to donate to help further medical research for all communities.

What happens to a sample after it is donated?

We follow a thorough process of sample collection to assure the protection of donor confidentiality, only retaining information that is strictly necessary to conduct the study and any follow-up needs. Samples provided will be used in a research laboratory to help medical scientists better understand how to diagnose and treat disease in the future.

Can my office become a partnering site?

We partner with 101 total sites internationally, each vetted according to the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). New applicants are connected with a Canto BioConnect Clinical Research Associate to support a smooth onboarding process, undergo an in-person site inspection, and to provide any additional assistance necessary.

Our partnering sites hold the key to unlocking medical innovation, and it is our top priority that they feel the full value of their contributions.

Become an Individual Donor

Contact us to learn more about how easy it is to help save lives with your medical donation.